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$1.5M Boost for 19 Community-Led Health Projects

Tasmanian Government

$1.5M Boost for 19 Community-Led Health Projects

Nineteen community-led preventative health projects will share in $1.5 million as part of the latest Healthy Tasmania fund round.

Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing, Roger Jaensch, said the Healthy Focus grants have been awarded to community sector organisations and local councils for a range of projects and activities designed to reduce the barriers for people to live a healthy life.

“The grants are an investment in communities and part of the Tasmanian Government’s plan to keep Tasmanians healthy and well for longer,” Minister Jaensch said.

“We know taking effective action in preventive health to keep people healthy and well, reduces pressure on our health system in the long term.

“These grants will support the health and wellbeing of Tasmanians through a broad range of activities that promote physical activity, healthy and sustainable eating, healthy lifestyles, positive mental health and community engagement.

“The projects are diverse and varied, ranging from education and awareness programs aimed at preventing osteoporosis to water safety programs for culturally and linguistically diverse women and young people.

“I look forward to seeing the impact these projects make to the health and wellbeing of Tasmanians.”

Awarded grants range from $20,000 to $100,000, with the projects required to address one or more of Healthy Tasmania’s eight focus areas, including the promotion of health literacy, active living and eating well.

The Tasmanian Liberal Government, through our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future, has committed $8 million in funding over four years to the Healthy Tasmania Fund, which is designed to support people to live healthy, active lives in connected communities.$1.5-million-allocated-to-19-community-led-preventative-health-projects

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