ACCC Report Confirms Fresh Produce Sector Concerns
The National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) welcomes today’s release of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) Supermarkets Inquiry Final Report, which confirms that market imbalances could have long-term consequences for Australia’s fresh produce sector.
NFF President David Jochinke said the report’s independence and thorough evidence gathering reinforce concerns raised by producers.
“The fact that the majority of the report’s 20 recommendations focus on fresh produce supply chains demonstrates that our concerns were valid,” Mr Jochinke said.
“For two years, debates have raged about supermarket market power, but this independent report provides clear confirmation: fresh produce suppliers are facing serious, real challenges.
“While not all agricultural commodities are affected, fresh produce suppliers have been particularly vulnerable to market imbalances, information asymmetries, unclear supply and demand forecasts, and buyer incentives that undermine competition.
“The ACCC’s conclusion – that major supermarkets’ use of market power could have lasting consequences for efficiency and sustainability – underscores the urgency of action.”
The NFF and its members, including the NFF Horticulture Council, played a key role in establishing this inquiry and providing evidence.
“It’s now critical that these recommendations don’t gather dust. We welcome the Government’s in-principle support for all recommendations and call for bipartisan commitment to their implementation,” Mr Jochinke said.
“Whoever forms the next Government must work closely with fresh produce suppliers to ensure these recommendations deliver meaningful change.
“We also acknowledge the Government’s $2.9 million commitment to producer education on rights and protections – an important industry priority.”