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Aussie PM Talks on Kiis 97.3 FM Brisbane

Prime Minister

Aussie PM Talks on Kiis 97.3 FM Brisbane

: Zach and Dom on KIIS 97.3, we are with you all the way Brissie as we go through this weather event right now and now Zach, we are very excited to welcome to the show Prime Minister Anthony Albanese with the latest. Prime Minister, thank you so much for making time.

PRIME MINISTER: Good to be with you. It’s a very tough time for people in South East Queensland at the moment so thank you for having me on the program.

FAY: Well you’re very welcome, we’re very grateful. And as you mentioned there is a bit of anxiety around the city at the moment. We’ve lived through a couple of floods and big storms up here before. What would your message be to anxious Brisbanites at the moment?

PRIME MINISTER: That Australians think of you at this difficult time, and Australians know that this is tough for people in South East Queensland and Northern New South Wales and everyone’s heart goes out to people. I must say that it’s extraordinary the effort that Queenslanders are showing. They’re supporting each other, they’re following the advice of the SES and the police and emergency services and that’s really important. We have Australian Defence Force personnel on the ground. They’re providing support with everything from road clearance to sandbagging to knocking on doors to help people. And in a really goodwill gesture New Zealand is sending a disaster response team as well to assist of 66 personnel, they’re on their way. And we often say that Australia and New Zealand are family and this is what families do. They’re there for each other when times are tough.

ZACH MANDER, HOST: Now Albo, on a slightly lighter note, Cyclone Alfred was going to be called Anthony originally. Obviously that’s your name. Are you glad that it was changed?

PRIME MINISTER: Look, that decision by the authorities, what they said to me was that they automatically discount calling any of these cyclones with a name that will be used in other areas. So because of news and the fact I’m talking to you now, they want to make it very clear. It’s a decision that triggers automatically.

FAY: Well there’s going to be a lot of people Prime Minister over the next couple of days who will be bunkered down, plenty without power already and probably more will lose power. A lot of people are turning to the board game cabinet wondering how they pass time as a family. What is your board game of choice Albo?

PRIME MINISTER: I’m a bit old school with Scrabble, I quite like. I don’t mind a card game, 500 or something like that to pass the time, but I also like listening to music, and I don’t get enough time to do so. Getting out the old vinyl is a pretty good way to pass time.

MANDER: Hey Albo, you’re a famous Rabbitohs supporter from birth, I believe. Now the Rabbitohs are playing the Dolphins tonight from Brisbane. Could we maybe sway you over just for one time to support the Dolphins in solidarity?

PRIME MINISTER: Look, I wish every Dolphins supporter all the very best for the coming days, but for 80 minutes tonight, I can’t change teams. You can’t do that. It’s as simple as that. You have to, I think, support the team that you have your whole life and you’re right I came out of the womb with a red eye and a green eye. And my family go back generations. But I’ve got to say the Phins have done very well in their entry into the NRL comp.

FAY: Yeah, well I think all Queenslanders will respect the loyalty to your footy team. I know you’ve mentioned that there isn’t a border between Queensland and NSW at the moment, that the rivalry is aside as we are all one going through this, in a couple of weeks though we’re allowed to hate New South Welshmen again in a couple of weeks, aren’t we?

PRIME MINISTER: Of course you are. For three nights a year you’re allowed to really be very super parochial. I support Queensland 365 days, but 362 nights. And it’s a friendly rivalry, I’ve got to say. And you have, I’m very jealous, Suncorp is without doubt the best place in Australia to watch a game of rugby league.

MANDER: Yeah, and you’re right, Albo aren’t you, in times like this Queensland and New South Wales, although we do have that rivalry, it goes away. And we’re just Australians, aren’t we?

PRIME MINISTER: It sure does. And that’s what we’re seeing the response of David Crisafulli and Chris Minns working together. You have the New South Wales people embedded in the Queensland meetings and vice versa. I’ve been going to the national headquarters here for the last two mornings. I’ll be back there tomorrow morning. We have people from Queensland and New South Wales there. This cyclone doesn’t recognise borders and nor should we. We are seeing the best of Australians at this difficult time.

FAY: Well, Prime Minister, we know your time is precious. We’re very grateful for it. Just one quick one before we let you go. We’ve heard that the sandbagging places are shut down now. The supermarket are closing as well. So, the window for preparing is almost done. What should Brisbane people do now?

PRIME MINISTER: Well, I think they should continue to log on to the Disaster Queensland website, is really important. Continue to make sure they’re updated on that information. They can stay up to date at In terms of preparedness, there’s really practical information on a fantastic website au.

FAY: Wonderful, and then maybe crack out the Scrabble game and go for a triple point score.

PRIME MINISTER: Hopefully. But I just, I wish everyone all the best. I certainly hope people stay as safe as possible. And for all those people who are out there helping their family, helping their friends and neighbours but importantly as well so many people out there, they’re helping people that they don’t know. They’re helping strangers. It’s just what people do. And for all those people, thank you. You are showing the best of the Australian character once again.

FAY: Well we really appreciate your time Prime Minister and all your support for the people of Brissie at the moment and in what lies ahead. Thank you so much for joining.

PRIME MINISTER: Thanks very much.

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