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Decision to privatise VicRoads a neo-liberal shocker

Australian Greens

The Victorian Greens have said the Victorian Labor Government’s decision to sell-off parts of VicRoads is further evidence of their addiction to privatisation and putting profit over people.

By putting control of yet another asset into private hands, in this case until the 2060s, the Government has sealed the community’s fate by locking in higher fees, lower quality customer service, and less jobs and lower wages for workers.

Victorian Greens spokesperson for transport, Sam Hibbins, called the decision a ‘neo-liberal shocker’ and said public assets should remain in public hands.

Quotes attributable to Victorian Greens transport spokesperson, Sam Hibbins MP:

“The sell-off of VicRoads’ licencing and registration function has put the interests of private profit over the public good. 

“The lease, which will not expire until the 2060s, will mean higher fees, lower quality customer service, and less jobs, lower wages, and conditions for workers for decades to come. It will put control over another public asset in private hands.

“It is yet another privatisation by a Government that has the biggest privatisation agenda since Kennett. With the privatisation of Port of Melbourne, the Land Titles Office, public housing estates and now VicRoads, Victorians have a right to know months out from the election what other public assets or agencies are on the Government’s privatisation hit list.

“The Government’s so-called ‘future fund’ is a neoliberal economic policy using the sale of public assets and public land to service debt. Even more concerning is that the Government has not ruled out or excluded future fund investments in climate change causing fossil fuels.

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