Full story – Plastic pollution is choking our oceans! Peter Whish-Wilson on ABC’s 7.30
Senator Peter Whish-Wilson spoke to ABC’s 7.30 about the threat to our oceans from marine plastic debris. Marine plastics are now recognised globally as a significant threat to biodiversity and the ecological functions of our oceans.
In 2015 the Greens initiated a Senate inquiry into the threat of marine plastic pollution in Australia. This is the nation’s first ever parliamentary inquiry into the scourge of marine plastics and it’s due to report in 2016. This means a nationwide container deposit scheme and a ban on plastic ‘micro beads’ and ‘plastic bags’ will be considered by the Senate.
This is the opportunity for the community, either as individuals or groups, to provide important feedback on the way plastic pollution impacts marine life and to highlight your concerns by reflecting on your own experiences.
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