Greens: Next Gen Guarantee
Now is the time for bold government investment to create hundreds of thousands of jobs, build the foundations of a cleaner, fairer economy and leave no one behind.
Young people are being hit hard by the economic fallout of COVID-19. That’s why our plan includes the ‘Next Gen Guarantee’ – to get young people back on track and set you up for the future. 💪
JOIN THE CAMPAIGN: https://greens.org.au/nextgenguarantee
The Next Gen Guarantee is part of our COVID-19 economic recovery plan. Our plan will create hundreds of thousands of jobs and leave no one behind:
– A government-backed Jobs and Income Guarantee to help create hundreds of thousands of jobs and ensure everyone has an income they can live on.
– Bold government investment in manufacturing and sustainable infrastructure including renewables, housing and high speed rail.
– Massive government investment in services for our communities – health, education, childcare, aged care, housing and public services to improve everyone’s lives.
Read more here: https://greens.org.au/recovery
Young person 1:
“I can’t afford to fill up my car with petrol”
Young person 2:
“I work in the travel industry so my job’s gone”
Young person 3:
“I hate that I’ve had to contact my landlord for a rent reduction”
Young person 4:
“I’ve been made redundant and I don’t know how I can pay my bills”
Adam Bandt:
“Young people are being hit hard by the economic fallout of COVID-19. Experts fear years of debt and unemployment. And it wasn’t like things were easy before.
For far too long you’ve been ignored by governments and copped the sh*t end of the stick. But while it may feel bleak right now – it doesn’t have to be this way.
The Greens are launching the Next Gen Guarantee, a plan that responds to the crises we face and sets you up for the future.
Under our plan, you’ll get a free place at uni or TAFE, or an apprenticeship or traineeship, so that you can pursue your passion. You’ll get a secure and decent job if you want one or a guaranteed income that you can actually live on.
Hundreds of thousands of jobs will be created in industries that tackle the climate emergency and build a more caring and creative society. No one will be left behind. But we won’t stop there.
The Greens will keep fighting for a cleaner economy and a fairer society through a Green New Deal. Together, we can build a better future, for all of us.”
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