Motion on Yemen conflict
I give notice that on the next day of sitting I shall move that –
The Senate:
(a) Notes that 80 percent of people in Yemen are dependent on humanitarian assistance or protection;
(b) Notes that 30 percent of people in Yemen are severely food insecure and at risk of starvation;
(c) Notes that 70 percent of imports into Yemen flow through the Port of Hodeidah;
(d) Notes that United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator, Mark Lowcock, has warned that if the operation of the Port of Hodeidah was to be interrupted the humanitarian consequences would be catastrophic;
(e) Notes that the Saudi-led coalition’s military offensive on the City of Hodeidah is putting at risk the operation of the port;
(f) Calls upon the Australian Government to support United Nations efforts to find a non-military solution to the conflict in Yemen; and
(g) Calls upon the Australian Government to support efforts by the United Nations to ensure the Port of Hodeidah remains operational, including if necessary a temporary United Nations takeover of the administration of the port.
Senator Peter Whish-Wilson
Senator for Tasmania
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