Parliament Shut Down till August. Democracy goes dark | 10 News First
Adam Bandt, Leader of the Greens:
“Shutting down Parliament is just this government hiding from scrutiny.
We need more democracy, not less, during this crisis — and it isn’t just a danger to democracy, it will get in the way of economic recovery. Parliament should sit again, if safe to do so, so that we can fix the holes in the government’s stimulus package.”
Hear more from Adam:
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#auspol #integrity
Credit: 10 News First | Air date: 24/3/2020
Full Transcript:
Georgina Lewis (10 News Anchor): There’s growing unease over the decision to shut down the federal parliament for the next six months. It won’t be back until autumn, and that’s something we’ve
never seen before.
Peter van Onselen (10 Political Correspondent) [PVO]: When parliament wrapped up late last night…
Tony Smith, Speaker in the House of Reps:
The house stands adjourned until a date and hour to be fixed.
PVO: ..the government said it won’t sit again until August.
Adam Bandt (Greens Leader): It is the government hiding from scrutiny.
PVO: Leaving schools open, but not a chamber
which continued to operate throughout World Wars as well as the Great Depression and even during the Spanish influenza of 1919. It was not a bipartisan decision.
Anthony Albanese (Labor Leader): Well, we opposed the shutting down of, of of the parliament.
Adam Bandt (Greens Leader): Parliament needs to be able to sit to scrutinize the government’s response and make sure no one is left behind.
PVO: With the Opposition not represented on the National Cabinet. That leaves Australia run by the Executive, with limited accountability.
Adam Bandt (Greens Leader) That is dangerous for democracy.
PVO: But will the government consider virtual meetings of parliament or perhaps tele-conferencing?
Josh Frydenberg (Treasurer): There a potential arrangements that could be made in that occur—, in that situation.
PVO: That’s a definite… maybe.
Josh Frydenberg (Treasurer): What I can tell you is that the government under Scott Morrison is working day and night.
PVO: For anyone who likes accountability. Let’s hope the media stays classified as an essential service.
Anthony Albanese (Labor Leader): I’ll make this prediction. We will be back here before August.
PVO: Australians well understand the difficult circumstances afoot at the moment because of the virus crisis, but that doesn’t mean the endorsement of parliament isn’t important. Even during World War II parliament sat, there’s always a way, if there’s a will.
No parliament and no Opposition involvement in the National Cabinet.
Scott Morrison (Prime Minister): You don’t run the press conference. Okay?
PVO: Means much less scrutiny.
Scott Morrison: How good is Australia?! [cheering].
Peter van Onselen for 10 News First.
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