Richard Di Natale on Lambie’s secret deal behind the Medevac Repeal
The Medevac legislation, which allowed for the emergency medical transfers of sick refugees to Australia, has just been scrapped after a secret deal between Jacqui Lambie and the Government.
Just as people are finally receiving the medical treatment they need, Lambie and Dutton have stitched up a deal that prolongs the suffering and inhumane treatment of people who are just looking for a better life. Healthcare is a fundamental human right.
This secret deal could make a terrible situation worse, and the Australian people will never even know about it.
This secret deal, on such a critical piece of legislation, is one of the most reprehensible things you could do as a member of parliament. It will determine who will live and who will die but nobody except the government and Senator Lambie have any idea what’s been cooked up.
Lambie had a choice: keep #Medevac and save lives, or repeal it and put hundreds of lives at risk. Shamefully, she has chosen to put lives at risk. She’s handed the Government a ‘win’ to close out the parliamentary year – on the backs of refugees. This is a real low.
Today is a setback in our longstanding campaign to #bringthemhere, but it is not the end of the fight.
The Greens will keep fighting for all people in offshore detention. After nearly seven years, we want every single person who is locked up to be given the freedom and safety they so desperately need. And on this day, and every day, our hearts are with them.
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