Senator Whish-Wilson: The problem in Tasmania is cronyism
Senator Whish-Wilson: This is a motion designed to take a cheap shot at the Greens—and no doubt get a headline in the local newspaper in Tasmania. It may have escaped Senator Duniam’s attention that Four Corners recently aired an episode about the Tasmanian salmon industry being in crisis and at a crossroads. He was not around when we had a Senate inquiry that looked into this issue. Two leaked documents were given to me which I tabled in this house. When I tabled them I said: ‘This is for the future of the salmon industry and its workers, as well as the environment. This industry needs to be properly regulated.’ The problem in Tasmania, as you well know, Mr President, is cronyism. The Liberal Party and the Labor Party get too close to the business, they do not do their job, they provide no checks and balances, and the industry gets in trouble. That is exactly the situation the salmon industry in Tasmania is in at the moment. It needs to be properly regulated. It needs to be open. It needs to be transparent. The Greens support a sustainable salmon industry in Tasmania that employs people but also has a social licence—and does it to protect the environment.
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