Thank you Senator Rachel Siewert
How do you say thank you to the incredible Senator Rachel Siewert, who is leaving the Senate for the last time today? We asked some Greens legends, community campaigners and leaders she’s touched during her tireless 16 year run. From all of us, thank you Rach đź’š
Featuring messages from:
Richard Di Natale, Greens Leader 2015-2020
Scott Ludlam, Greens Senator 2008-2017
Christine Milne, Greens Leader 2013-2015
Martin Pritchard, Environs Kimberley
Kasy Chambers, Anglicare Australia
Tim Hollo, The Green Institute
Larissa Waters, Greens Co-Deputy Leader
Adam Bandt, Greens Leader
Alan Carter, Bringing Them Home Committee WA
Dorinda Cox, Incoming Greens Senator for WA
Claerwen Little, Uniting Care
Lance McDonald, Caylus
Tristan Ray, Caylus
Blair McFarland, Caylus
Patrick McGee, Australian Federation of Disability Organisations
Kathryn Wilkes, No Cashless Debit Card Australia
Amanda Smith, The Say No Seven
Alison Xamon, Greens WA MLC 2009-13 & 2007-21
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