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Wonnarua Traditional Owners defeat Glendell continuation project

Australian Greens

Wonnarua Traditional Owners defeat Glendell continuation project

The Wonnarua peoples connection to the Ravensworth homestead and surrounding estate has defeated Glencore’s proposed mine expansion.

The area holds important significance to Traditional Owners as the site of several massacres of First Nations peoples since the 1820s, being described as “hallowed ground”.

The NSW Independent Planning Commission has rejected the Glendell continuation project and subsequent moving of the homestead due to the impact on First Nations cultural heritage.

Lines attributable to Greens spokesperson for resources, Yamatji-Noongar Woman Senator Dorinda Cox:

“Congratulations to the Wonnarua people. This seems to be a new era of recognition for First Nations cultural heritage over mining profits. 

“We need First Nations cultural heritage protection enshrined in our laws and practices. We need to implement all the cultural heritage recommendations of the Way Forward Report to avoid another Jukan Caves disaster.

“Traditional owners are standing up and making their voices heard. We need to fast-track Senator Thrope’s bill to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP), so they don’t need to take legal action to protect their way of life.

“We need investment in cleaner, greener renewable energy projects that preserve cultural heritage and First Nations’ way of life.”

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