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Australian PM Interview on Nine News Brisbane

Prime Minister

Australian PM Interview on Nine News Brisbane

Welcome back to our special coverage as Cyclone Alfred heads towards the Queensland coastline. I have to admit this has probably been the strangest cyclone coverage I’ve ever done. This preamble of Cyclone Alfred is, as it drags on it, just is not what we’re used to. But we do have to continue to take it seriously because we know it is sitting off our coast, it is coming our way, and even though it may be downgraded to a Category 1, it is still going to do an awful lot of damage. Possibly not those strong winds, the destructive winds, but the flooding, the rain, that is what we are really worried about. From a local level, from a local government level to a state level and a Federal Government level, what’s been fantastic is that all three levels of government are working together. We’re going to bring in the Prime Minister now from Canberra. Thank you for joining us. I’m Melissa Downes from Nine News Queensland, I’m not sure we’ve met before. I just wanted to get an update on a few issues. The Defence Force, we know that they’re going to be involved, but what sort of response? What have you been able to mobilise? What are they going to be doing?

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Well, good afternoon to you, Melissa. And these are difficult times, but you’re correct to say that this, this is a dangerous situation that needs to be taken seriously. You’re also correct to say that all three levels of government are working together seamlessly, as we are as well with the private sector. Making sure that we do what we can to keep people safe is the first priority. And then to minimise any consequences of this extreme weather event. We have mobilised the Australian Defence Force, they are on the ground there. They are knocking on doors, they are providing support for the SES in engaging directly with people, giving them that advice for people who need to evacuate, providing that assistance. Going as well to assist with vulnerable people who might be in a difficult situation and find it difficult to move themselves. And they are all on the ground now. In addition to that we have a range of assets ready to go. Things like our helicopters and air travel that might be needed to get goods or emergency services personnel in as well. I can also say, Melissa, that our friends across the ditch in New Zealand, I thank Prime Minister Luxon for this. We have been in touch with each other. There are 66 personnel on their way from New Zealand as well, which is really appreciated. It’s just an example of what we’re seeing at this difficult time which is not just Australians helping out Australians, but around the world as well, people being very conscious of this difficult time and being prepared to help.

DOWNES: Can you take me through some of the immediate funding or support that you’ll be unlocking for those in the immediate aftermath of Alfred?

PRIME MINISTER: Yes, well we have already unlocked the first wave of local government support in advance of this event. We wanted to do that so all of the local government areas in South East Queensland and Northern New South Wales have confidence going forward that that support is there and being provided. In addition to that, there are a range of payments that can be made. Hardship payments, payments for people who are unable to go to work will be provided as well. I visited Services Australia headquarters here in Canberra and they are certainly ready for those payments to be triggered and to be made available as quickly as possible. In addition to that, we triggered, as of yesterday, changes to child care, the emergency provisions which are there so that child care centres that were unable to be opened won’t miss out on the payments that they receive and therefore parents aren’t out of pocket as well. So that was triggered as of yesterday to ensure that those payments are available to make sure we don’t want financial hardship to come on top of the very difficult period that South East Queenslanders and Northern New South Wales residents are experiencing over coming days.

DOWNES: That’s right. And what about the coming weeks? I mean often that’s when the most difficult time is. What can you offer in terms of support on the ground or insurance help or looking that slightly longer term picture?

PRIME MINISTER: Yeah, what I say is that we have your back. I say that to your viewers at this difficult time. We’ll make sure, and we have ready to go into action the next phase. This preparedness has been really important. People have followed the advice, they’ve followed the instructions that have been given by the SES and police and emergency services. Then there’s the period of keeping people safe once this cyclone hits the coast, and every bit of advice unfortunately is that it is going to hit the coast in the middle of tomorrow. It will hit the islands before then in the earlier period of tomorrow morning. And of course what we’re also concerned about is the days after. The flooding impacts as well is of great concern and we know this will be a serious extreme weather event. So we’ll be there providing support, whether it be through the ADF, increased support for state and local governments, but support as well for individuals in the aftermath, the recovery. And that we have reconstruction organisations in both Queensland and New South Wales that the Commonwealth will be working with and providing that support. There are no state borders here. There are no political parties. We’re working absolutely seamlessly across the three levels of government.

DOWNES: It is the community that will get us through. Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, thank you very much for your time today.

PRIME MINISTER: Thanks so much. And I just say to people, stay safe at this difficult time.

DOWNES: Thank you.

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