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Bill Busting Batteries Switched On In Illawarra

Dept of Climate Change, Energy, Environment & Water

Bill Busting Batteries Switched On In Illawarra

The Hon Chris Bowen MP, Minister for Climate Change and Energy

The Hon Stephen Jones MP, Minister for Financial Services

Alison Byrnes MP, Member for Cunningham

The Albanese Labor Government is delivering real cost of living relief right now, with new community batteries to save hundreds of Illawarra households on their energy bills every year.

The Dapto and Warrawong batteries will power the homes of a total of 600 residents across both communities. They are built and owned by Endeavour Energy, with funding from the Albanese Government.

The Community Batteries for Household Solar program is making our energy system fairer and ensuring all Aussies can reap rewards from this renewable resource, regardless of their solar or home battery status.

It means all local residents, including solar and non-solar customers, homeowners and renters, can sign up to the savings with Endeavour Energy’s retail partner. The network work estimates this could save households up to $400 a year.

Community batteries deliver lower energy costs and boost reliability by absorbing excess rooftop solar during the day and feeding it back to the grid at night. They can also avoid costly upgrades to the electricity network’s pole and wires.

Only Labor is delivering the clean, cheap, reliable and resilient energy system that Australians deserve.

But Peter Dutton’s $600 billion taxpayer-funded nuclear scheme risks all this progress. It will mean coal for a lot longer – making bills more expensive, risking blackouts and shrinking our economy.

In Dapto, a combination of 8 ground and pole-mounted community batteries will lower power prices for 300 residents, while five ground and pole-mounted batteries in Warrawong will support another 300 households. Local residents will be able to apply to use the batteries through a retailer subscription.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen:

“The Albanese Government knows that Aussies are doing it tough, and these new Illawarra community batteries will go some way to help take the sting out of energy bills for locals every year.

“While Labor is getting on with the job and delivering cheaper, cleaner and more reliable energy right now, Peter Dutton is campaigning on a $600 nuclear scheme that taxpayers will be forced to foot the bill for.”

Quotes attributable to the Member for Whitlam Stephen Jones:

“The Illawarra has a long and proud industrial history and this community battery in Dapto is another chapter in our local story. This investment represents our commitment to the Illawarra’s bright energy future.

“And at a time when cost of living pressures is at the forefront of everyone’s minds, the Albanese Government is making a real difference for locals right now.”

Quotes attributable to the Member for Cunningham Alison Byrnes:

“These community batteries in Warrawong and Dapto will help lower household power bills and deliver much needed cost of living relief to people in the Illawarra.

“The way we power our homes and businesses is changing and I’m proud to be supporting this innovation in our community, for our community.

“We know there is more to do, and I will continue to help build a better future for the Illawarra.”

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