God bless George Pell’s eternal soul.
Cardinal George Pell was a person designated to iron out the problems in the world’s leading Christian denomination, with over 1000 million followers, he was chosen to overcome the dreadful, renaissance-type problems.
Once again in the Catholic Church, this good and powerful man, though not always likeable had his histrionic mission cut short by a bunch of pygmies, led by the likes of Dan Andrews and a powerful minority.
I hope that Cardinal Pell’s death will reinforce the persecution of Christians in Australia. Archbishop and Governor General Peter Hollingworth was completely destroyed by the anti-Christians.
With Pell 81 people said he was over here, one said he was over there, and it was well reported that Andrews’ gestapo believed the one and not the 81. I use that word with forethought because there are very few people in Australian history that have banned people for demonstrating.
Once beyond the fascist state of Victoria, he was exonerated in minutes by the High Court, but only after spending two years in a prison along with murderers and drug runners.
The mob that dealt with Pell, the ‘anti-Christian’ mob, then set upon the Evangelicals, savagely destroying Israel Folau, and the eight heroes at Manly.
The persecution and jailing of Pell was evil.
Pell’s hero was Jesus Christ, he died cruelly upon a cross. The ‘ideological humanists’ who everyday of their lives manifest ambition, Pell’s hero called them ‘whited sepulchres’.
A man of powerful determination to do good but the cruelty of his final years remind us that as Christians, persecution is almost our delineating identification marker. But the let us draw inspiration from this towering figure, who whilst jailed and destroyed, never muttered a single bad word against the fascists forces that assailed him.
God bless his eternal soul.