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Capacity Doubled For Historic Sheffield Shield Final

SA Gov

Capacity Doubled For Historic Sheffield Shield Final

Double the number of fans will be able to attend the Sheffield Shield final, starting tomorrow – after the Malinauskas Government stepped in to help deliver the biggest transformation of Karen Rolton Oval in its history.

Up to 10,000 fans will be accommodated at the revamped venue, which includes additional seating and more facilities to provide a better experience for patrons, players and officials.

South Australia is aiming to achieve Sheffield Shield success for the first time in three decades, with the Government supporting new and temporary infrastructure at the usual 5,000-capacity Karen Rolton Oval including:

The five-day final against Queensland, which is free, will start at 10.35am and finish around 5.35pm to ensure more fans can get to the match after school or work.

The Government has worked with the South Australian Cricket Association to deliver the infrastructure needed and make the final as accessible as possible.

Additional restroom facilities, food trucks and beverage vans will be available, supporting a family-friendly and fun atmosphere.

South Australia is chasing its first Sheffield Shield title since 1995/96 and a historic trophy double after winning its first One-Day Cup in 13 years this month.

As put by Emily Bourke

We’re proud to help facilitate more South Australians getting the chance to say, “I was there” – especially younger fans keen to see their heroes for free.

We want kids off screens and this is about giving them the capacity to attend and to be inspired by all the action up close.

Support provided means fans of all ages can come to the final after school or work, at a ground which has been completely transformed.

As put by SACA President Will Rayner

The South Australian Cricket Association are proud to be making a significant investment into temporary infrastructure at Karen Rolton Oval, to ensure thousands of fans are able to come along to support the SA men throughout this historic final.

We want this to be a match for all South Australians to enjoy, and this is why we’ve thrown open the gates for free admission across the five days of cricket at Karen Rolton Oval.

We’re grateful for the State Government’s contribution to what will no doubt be a spectacular event.

As put by South Australia Men’s Team coach Ryan Harris

Thanks to SACA and the State Government, Karen Rolton Oval looks unbelievable, and the players can’t wait to get out there in front of a packed crowd of SA supporters.

Having the infrastructure in place to support more SA fans to come along and cheer for our boys will give them a huge lift.

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