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Consider Joining Council's Affordable Housing Action Taskforce

Consider Joining Council’s Affordable Housing Action Taskforce

Community members who can assist with the delivery of affordable housing across the city are invited to join a new taskforce that will help Council implement its Affordable Housing Strategy.

Expressions of Interest are now being sought for potential members that can help raise awareness, educate and advocate for much needed affordable housing in the Shoalhaven.

The group will also help guide work to implement the actions set in the strategy by leveraging the knowledge, skills, and connections of its members in the planning and delivery of affordable housing.

“This is an incredibly important opportunity for members of our community to play a vital role in informing how we address the shortfall of affordable housing in our city,” said Mayor Patricia White.

“We know there are too many families who earn a steady income but struggle to meet their housing needs in addition to their other essential expenses, like putting food on the table and visiting the doctor,” Cr White said.

“We recognise the benefits of working with the community, drawing on their skills, experience and expertise, to ensure our strategy is implemented effectively,” she said.

Council is seeking expressions of interest for membership (up to 10) for the following vacant positions:’s-Affordable-Housing-Action-Taskforce

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