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Constructing Change Targets Littleborough Floods

UK Gov

Constructing Change Targets Littleborough Floods

A new initiative in Littleborough is encouraging girls and women into the construction industry.

The Environment Agency, Volker Stevin, Jacobs, Flannery Plant Hire, AE Yates, JN Bentley and Rochdale Borough Council are working together to deliver a new project aimed at encouraging girls and women into the construction industry.

Constructing Change is a new social value initiative which supports the future generation of construction workers. It aims to provide local female students with an experience of the construction industry and insight into what career opportunities are available.

Hosted by the Littleborough Flood Risk Management Scheme project team, the launch of the Constructing Change initiative will see students escorted safely through the site to get an overview of the construction of the Flood Risk Management Scheme.

The day also includes presentations by contractors VolkerStevin, consultants Jacobs, suppliers Flannery’s as well as the talks from the Environment Agency, AE Yates and JN Bentley. There is also an interactive session taking place in a machine simulator and the on-site laboratory.

Constructing Change is working to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion within the construction industry and empower underrepresented communities to have a career in construction – building a more inclusive and socially responsible industry for the future. This aligns with the objectives of the Environment Agency, as an inclusive employer.

Caroline Douglass, Executive Director Flood and Coastal Risk Management at the Environment Agency said:

I welcome the Environment Agency supporting this initiative to showcase opportunities in the construction industry to young women and ultimately improve diversity which will benefit everyone in the wider sector.

CEO and Founder of Constructing Change Elizabeth Griffin-Bennett said:

The launch of Constructing Change at Littleborough marks a key moment in our mission to transform construction. Through collaboration across the sector, we are bringing young people to live sites, showcasing career opportunities, breaking barriers, and embedding social value. This is just the beginning of a movement to build a more diverse, skilled, and resilient future for the industry.

Environment Agency Senior Project Manager for the Littleborough Flood Risk Management Scheme, Neil Johnson said:

This is a great opportunity to provide young, local people with the opportunity to experience a major construction site – right on their doorstep. The Environment Agency is committed to encouraging a diverse and inclusive workforce.

The work ongoing as part of scheme delivery provides an insight into many aspects of the construction industry, which we hope will inspire local young people to choose a career in construction.

When completed the Littleborough Flood Risk Management Scheme will better protect 337 residential properties and 185 local businesses across Littleborough from the impact of flooding.

The Environment is also working closely with Rochdale Borough Council on delivery of the Resilient Roch project which aims to raise flood risk awareness, reduce surface water risk, increase property resilience and implement integrated water management.

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