🚨Labor is failing the Territory on crime. 🚨
❌House break-ins are up 84%, commercial break-ins by 60% and domestic violence assaults by 38%
❌In Darwin domestic violence is up 76% and in Palmerston by 144%.
❌House break-ins in Alice Springs are up 180%, 184% in Tennant Creek
❌Commerical break-ins in Alice Springs and Katherine both up by 102%.
✅ Put the rights of victims above the rights of offenders;
✅ Deal with recidivist offending by setting a presumption against bail for both repeat adult and youth offenders;
✅ Reinstate breach of bail conditions as an offence for youths;
✅ Establish a purpose-built ‘Sentenced to a Skill’ boot camp for Alice Springs; and
✅ Return youth justice to Corrections so that Territory Families can focus on its core function – the care and protection of children.
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