Country of origin labelling for seafood in hospitality: have your say
We want your feedback on a proposed model for mandatory country of origin labelling (CoOL) for seafood in hospitality settings in Australia.
A form of mandatory CoOL already applies to seafood sold in retail venues, such as supermarkets.
The Australian Government will work with the seafood and hospitality sectors to introduce mandatory CoOL for seafood in hospitality settings.
Under the proposed model, hospitality venues would need to show if their seafood is:
- Australian
- imported or international
- mixed (if the item contains both Australian and imported seafood).
This model will give consumers clear, meaningful information about where seafood comes from. It also aims to minimise costs and other impacts to businesses.
We will use your feedback to refine the model and inform future labelling rules. You can respond by answering survey questions, uploading a written document, or recording a video or audio submission.
Read the discussion paper and have your say now. Consultation closes at 11:59 pm AEDT on 15 March 2023.