Crisafulli Gov’t Acknowledges Cyclone Alfred Response
Crisafulli Government acknowledges ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred response
- Crisafulli Government formally offers thanks to responders and extends deep appreciation to all agencies, energy crews and volunteers.
- Endorses the key role of local governments, the Prime Minister and the Federal Opposition Leader when handling ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred.
- Notes the efforts to restore power and provide weather warnings as soon as possible.
The Crisafulli Government has formally recognised the efforts of responders, volunteers and all levels of government during the events and recovery from ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred.
Last night the Government passed a motion in Queensland Parliament acknowledging the significant human impact from this week’s weather events.
It noted the work from energy crews to reconnect power to communities, all government agencies including Seqwater, the benefit of transparent media comment and the involvement of all three levels of government.
While the Government supported the motion, the Labor party opposed it.
That this House:
1. acknowledges the devastation and impact felt by Queenslanders as a result of ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred.
2. expresses its deep appreciation to all responders, including volunteers who supported Queenslanders during and after the cyclone.
3. will continue to support all Queenslanders to recover from ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred and all natural disasters.
4. notes the ongoing efforts of energy crews to restore power and notes the government’s commitment to ensure all resources are made available to fast-track reconnection.
5. notes the key roles played by all agencies, including Seqwater, and the benefit to Queensland where such entities are made available to answer media questions.
6. notes the key role played by local government and notes the government’s recently signed Equal Partners in Government agreement with local government.
7. notes the important role of parliamentarians to ask questions about the activities and priorities of government during natural disasters, while ensuring resources are not taken away from either the response or recovery.
8. notes the critical nature of timely severe weather event warnings and notes the government’s efforts to provide these to the public as soon as possible.
9. notes the Premier’s endorsement of the key role played by Prime Minister Albanese and federal opposition leader Peter Dutton in ensuring all levels of government were actively involved in handling the impacts of ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred.
10. acknowledges the commitment of various elected representatives to their communities.