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Environment Laws Meant to Protect, Not Destroy

Australian Greens

Environment Laws Meant to Protect, Not Destroy

As stated by Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, Greens Spokesperson for the Environment and Water.

“These rushed laws will gut Australia’s environmental protection in favour of protecting the rotting salmon corporations.

“Rushing these laws under the cover of the Federal Budget, without proper scrutiny or consideration, has the potential to impact dozens of other cases.

“Environment laws are supposed to protect the environment, not green-light destruction and extinction. It beggars belief that the Prime Minister is championing an industry that poisons our waterways and drives ancient wildlife to extinction.

“The proposed legislation will send the maugean skate to extinction, all in the name of corporate profits. It sidelines science, drastically undermines environment laws and likely has far-reaching consequences beyond Macquarie Harbour.

“Labor must rule out a dirty deal with Mr Dutton to trash our environment laws under the cover of the Budget. We cannot see a repeat of last year when Labor caved to the mining and logging lobbies to undermine environmental protection.

“The Greens are ready to support strong environmental protection, and in a minority government the Greens will keep Dutton out and put the heat on Labor to deliver for people, not corporate profits.”

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