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EOI Sir Joseph Banks Park Pump Track: Bayside

EOI Sir Joseph Banks Park Pump Track: Bayside

Bayside Council is looking for community representatives to join the Sir Joseph Banks Park Pump Track Reference Group and help advise Council on the design of a new pump track planned for the park.

Council is building a new pump track, funded by Sydney Airport Corporation Ltd. in Sir Joseph Banks Park to promote fitness, adventure and community connection.

This is an opportunity to get involved in the project and help create a space that meets the needs of riders and the community.

This is a voluntary role and involves attending regular meetings to represent the interests of the wider community.

The committee is made up of Councillors, Councill staff, agency representatives, and community representatives.

Community representatives should be 18 years or older and be living or working in the Bayside Local Government Area, be familiar with Sir Joseph Banks Park, and able to represent and communicate the interests of the local community.

If you are interested in joining the Sir Joseph Banks Park Pump Track Reference Group please submit your Expression of Interest before Thursday 13 March using the link below.

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