Faruqi Unveils Whittaker as Greens Candidate for Cunningham
The Australian Greens’ Deputy Leader, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, will officially launch Jess Whittaker as the Greens candidate for the federal electorate of Cunningham, as the fight for economic justice takes centre stage in NSW’s South Coast.
Cunningham was the first seat the Greens won in the lower house of the Federal parliament, which Labor regained, but momentum is shifting. At the last Federal Election, the Greens gained a 6.6% swing-and now, with Wollongong City Councillor and dedicated community advocate Jess Whittaker leading the charge, a breakthrough is within reach. With a proven record of fighting for climate action, affordable housing, and better public services, Jess is ready to deliver the bold, people-powered representation Cunningham deserves.
The Federal Election comes as the cost-of-living crisis deepens, locking an entire generation out of financial security, as millions of people across the country struggle under the weight of student debt. In Cunningham alone, almost 23,000 residents are burdened by student debt-61% of them are women (Table 1) and 70% are under the age of 35 (Table 2). The student debt owed by Cunningham residents is a staggering $637 million, with an average debt of $28,000.
The Greens have relentlessly pushed the Albanese Government to deliver desperately needed student debt relief since they came to power, and the pressure has worked in securing changes to indexation as well as recent commitments to raise the minimum repayment income and cut student debt by 20% after the election.
The Greens’ plan to wipe all student debt, part of the party’s ‘Robin Hood’ reforms, will be paid for by taxing big corporations and billionaires, making them pay their fair share. For someone who has an average student debt ($27,600) and who earns an average income, the Greens’ plan would result in a saving of $5,500 a year ( Greens estimates based on ATO withholding rates)- enough to cover more than six months’ worth of groceries.
In a cost of living crisis, people should not be living in pain, fearful of the bill they’ll get when they go to the dentist. The Greens plan for dental into Medicare will ensure that everyone who holds a Medicare card will be able to access the essential dental services they need for free.
As stated by Senator Mehreen Faruqi, Deputy Leader of the Australian Greens:
“I’m thrilled to announce Jess Whittaker as our Greens candidate for Cunningham. Jess’s track record on fighting for our climate, environment and her community makes her exactly the advocate and representative people are looking for.
“People are buckling under the cost of living pressure as they struggle to pay rent, put food on the table or get their teeth fixed. Putting dental into Medicare and wiping all student debt puts money back where it belongs-in people’s pockets.
“As the cost of living crisis bites and student debt skyrockets, young people are having to reconsider going to university, starting a family or buying their first home. Education should not be a debt sentence.
“The Greens are the only party fighting to wipe all student debt. If the Prime Minister got a free uni education, so should everyone else.
“Pressure from the Greens has forced the Labor government to pledge wiping 20% of student debt and adopt parts of our ‘GPs for free’ plan. Now it’s time to wipe all student debt and put dental into Medicare.
“Greens pressure works. With more Greens in Parliament, like Jess Whitaker, and in a minority government we will get Labor to act.
“The Greens will make corporations and billionaires pay their fair share of tax so we can fund the services people need.
“You can’t keep voting for the same two parties expecting a different result. If you want change, you have to vote for it.”
As stated by Jess Whittaker, Greens candidate for federal seat of Cunningham:
“I’m excited and proud to be standing as the Greens candidate for Cunningham. This community means everything to me-I grew up in Bulli, I work here, and like so many locals, I’m juggling the pressures of raising a family while facing the relentless cost-of-living crisis.
“For too long, wages have stagnated, while the cost of essentials keeps skyrocketing. Our once world-class public services-healthcare, education, and social services-are crumbling. It’s not just disappointing, it’s unacceptable. Cunningham deserves better.
“This election, we have a real opportunity to tackle the student debt crisis by wiping HECS debt-giving relief to thousands of people in Cunningham and putting money back into our local economy.
“We also can’t afford to wait for expensive and dangerous nuclear energy, or for this government to stop rubber-stamping new coal and gas projects. The time to act on climate is now. Australia has enormous potential to lead the world in renewables-we need to seize it.
“If you want real change, you need to vote for a candidate who will fight for you-not corporate donors or billionaires.”
Table 1: Student debt in Cunningham, by gender
Table 2: Student debt in Cunningham, by age