Federal Funds Boost Prefab, Modular Housing: AFPA
The Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) welcomes the Albanese Government’s investment announcement of $54 million to support prefabricated and modular home construction. Aussie grown, sustainable timber and wood-fibre are key materials resources for the expanding prefabricated and modular construction industry and it’s important the right regulatory guidance and government support framework is set, as demand increases for these new home options, Chief Executive Officer of AFPA, Diana Hallam said today.
Over the weekend, the Government announced $49.3 million to support state and territory governments to boost prefabricated and modular home construction and $4.7 million for the development of a voluntary national certification process to streamline approvals and standards.
Diana Hallam said, “Australia desperately needs new and innovative ways to deliver much needed new homes and the forest products sector has been ahead of the curve diversifying into prefabricated and modular housing construction. We welcome the Albanese Government’s support to assist state and territory jurisdictions with this expanding form of housing and funding to develop a national voluntary certification process, to assist industry confidence in the manufacturing process.
“Just last month, the Productivity Commission recommended a scaling back of ‘unnecessary regulatory impediments’ into new construction methods like prefabricated and modular housing, which is why it’s important that governments work with industries like ours when developing certification processes – and we extend a willing hand to be part of that development process.
“The benefits of using Aussie grown sustainable timber and wood-fibre for housing construction are many. Our materials naturally store carbon and help fight climate change, while our sector supports skilled employment, much of it located in regional Australia.
“We thank the Government for this announcement and will work with them and the Dutton led Opposition ahead of the election to ensure our Australian Timber. Australia’s Future Platform is signed up to in full, so our national forest products sector can reach its potential for the country, economy, climate and housing,” Diana Hallam concluded.