National Party of Australia Albo’s weak leadership and dishonesty are on full display. Albo’s not up to the job.[fb_vid id="1175139470633727"]View Original | Disclaimer
National Party of Australia Core inflation has risen again. Under Labor the price of everything just keeps getting higher and higher and higher. We can't afford three more years of...
Liberal Party of Australia Not only has Labor overseen record migration, their flagship housing policy has failed to build a single home.[fb_vid id="1196884618462529"]View Original | Disclaimer
National Party of Australia Interest rates have gone up 12 times because Labor can’t control their spending and keep pushing their reckless energy policy. Even the Reserve Bank Governor has...
National Party of Australia Albanese has been caught out lying again on who knew what when 🤥[fb_vid id="1174588900688784"]View Original | Disclaimer
Liberal Party of Australia Australians are paying billions for Labor’s bloated Canberra bureaucracy.[fb_vid id="3384128525055233"]View Original | Disclaimer
National Party of Australia Don’t risk the lights going out with the chaos of a Labor - Greens - Independents government.[fb_vid id="1174723280675346"]View Original | Disclaimer