Australian Greens The right to strike and a decent wageWorkers shouldn't have to wait for a friendly government for a decent wage - the right to strike must be restored....
Australian Greens Mandy vs Major Supermarkets6 things for over $50 is not a vibe we want in 2024. That's why we established an inquiry into price-gouging by major supermarkets. Because...
Australian Greens 4 Day Work WeekAustralians are working too much. It's time to fight for a 4 day work week. 📹 @elizabethwatsonbrownView Original | Disclaimer
Australian Greens $10 at ColesColes made $1.1 billion in profits this year and folks can't even afford to put food on the table. Join the campaign to stop the price-gouging...
Australian Greens Smash the supermarket duopolyToo many people are struggling to afford food and essentials while Coles and Woolworths are making billions in profits. It’s time to smash the duopoly....
Australian Greens Greens win a Water Trigger!A huge blow for fossil fuel companies! With a water trigger, we can ensure that all new gas projects have to be assessed by...
Australian Greens Labor's "Ham Freeze"A reminder from @aivgoesgreen: the Labor government has the power to freeze way more than just ham.View Original | Disclaimer
Australian Greens Tell Penny Wong: No military exports to Israel@davidshoebridge asked Penny Wong why her own Department reported that Australia exported $13 million in ‘arms and ammunition’ to Israel, while...
Australian Greens Sam on price-gougingSam has absolutely nailed it. This is why we need an Inquiry into supermarket price-gouging. Have you experienced checkout shock recently? Leave a comment below, and...