The Australian Greens What would you spend $368 billion on INSTEAD of nuclear submarines? 🤔What would you spend $368 billion on INSTEAD of nuclear submarines? 🤔 View Original |
The Australian Greens Someone tell Labor that we’re in a cost of living crisis. People are struggling to make ends meet and keep a roof over their heads and Labor...
The Australian Greens We can spend $368 billion on submarines but can't lift single mothers, students and pensioners on income support out of poverty.We can spend $368 billion on submarines...
The Australian Greens Senator Mehreen Faruqi is calling on the Government to restore the 21st of March to its original purpose and name - the International Day for the Elimination...
Australian Greens Elizabeth Watson-Brown moves that the government scrap tax cuts for the rich & invest in AustraliansElizabeth Watson-Brown MP for Ryan calls on the government to act on the...
The Australian Greens 📮POSTAL VOTE📨 Live in NSW and want to vote? The 2023 NSW State election will be held on 25 March. You can apply for a postal vote...
The Australian Greens Last election we heard you loud and clear: no new coal and gas, and certainly don’t use public money to fund it 🙅🏼‍♀️ This weeks climate win...
Australian Greens Elizabeth Watson-Brown speaks about the many problems with the Labor Safeguard MechanismElizabeth Watson-Brown MP for Ryan speaks about the many problems with Labor's version of Tony Abbott's Safeguard...
The Australian Greens Labor supports Greens recommendations for four day work week and a year of paid parental leave. Let's do it! 🙌Labor supports Greens recommendations for four day work...