The Australian Greens 📮POSTAL VOTE📨 Live in NSW and want to vote? The 2023 NSW State election will be held on 25 March. You can apply for a postal vote...
The Australian Greens Last election we heard you loud and clear: no new coal and gas, and certainly don’t use public money to fund it 🙅🏼‍♀️ This weeks climate win...
Australian Greens Elizabeth Watson-Brown speaks about the many problems with the Labor Safeguard MechanismElizabeth Watson-Brown MP for Ryan speaks about the many problems with Labor's version of Tony Abbott's Safeguard...
The Australian Greens Labor supports Greens recommendations for four day work week and a year of paid parental leave. Let's do it! 🙌Labor supports Greens recommendations for four day work...
Australian Greens Work & Care ReportThe Final Report of the Senate Select Committee on Work and Care Inquiry was tabled in the Australian Parliament on 9 March 2023. The Committee...
Australian Greens Senator Janet Rice calls for immediate action to enforce the heavy truck curfew in Footscray.In 2015 the residents of Footscray secured a curfew on heavy trucks from the...
The Australian Greens CLIMATE WIN: We've negotiated to ensure the National Reconstruction Fund won't fund coal, gas or native forest logging!CLIMATE WIN: We've negotiated to ensure the National Reconstruction Fund...
The Australian Greens As it stands, Labor’s plan will make climate crisis worse. That's why we're negotiating in good faith - to protect our climate, and our future. The Greens...
The Australian Greens BREAKING: The Greens have secured agreement from the Labor Government that the $15 billion National Reconstruction Fund Bill will not be spent funding coal and gas projects...
Australian Greens Our Vision For NSW This State ElectionThis State election, your vote is powerful. We have the chance to kick the Liberal-Nationals out and put the Greens in the...