Australian Greens Labor is lying to us about public school funding.Labor is lying to us about public school funding. Senator Penny Allman-Payne is sick of it.View Original | Disclaimer
Australian Greens The political establishment want you to believe you're powerless“We know the power of everyday working people coming together and fighting for a better future and it’s time to...
Australian Greens Greens win: the right to disconnect!Workers will now have the right to disconnect! @barbarapocock on what this win means for you 🔥View Original | Disclaimer
Australian Greens Elizabeth Watson-Brown on the need for Labor to restore UNRWA fundingLabor must restore UNRWA funding urgently so they can continue their lifesaving work, and for Australia to uphold...
Australian Greens Elizabeth Watson-Brown on the dire state of public funding for research in AustraliaAustralia is one of the worst countries in the OECD for public research funding. It's no...
Australian Greens Free PalestineNelson Mandela said, “Our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of Palestinians”. We truly live in an upside down world when a Labor government would rather side...
Australian Greens "You are complicit"“You are complicit” Nick McKim in the Senate on the genocide in Gaza, and Labor’s ongoing support for Israel’s invasion.View Original | Disclaimer
Australian Greens You should have the right to disconnectEmployers are questioning the Greens proposal to create a right to disconnect. They think the sky will fall if workers are protected...
Australian Greens AFP abuse of powerAustralian Federal Police spent over twelve months driving a 13 year old autistic boy’s fixation with Islamic State, actively encouraging him, and then waiting until...