Grants To Support And Grow Tassie’s Men’s Sheds
Twenty seven Men’s Sheds across the State have been given a well-deserved boost.
More than $165,000 has been awarded to Sheds across the state through the Tasmanian Government’s 2024-25 Tasmanian Men’s Shed Association (TMSA) Grants Program.
Acting Minister for Community Services, Jo Palmer, said our Government will continue to support our vital Men’s Shed community.
“Men’s Sheds provide a vital space for men to connect, share skills and support one another. We know they have positive impacts on social connections and preventive health,” Minster Palmer said.
“We had an outstanding response to the grants program, with 27 Sheds across our Tasmanian community to share in $165,017 of funding.
“These grants will have a broad range of impacts, with improvements to allow people to spend more time in the facility, right through to becoming more inclusive, and even better equipped.”
Grants were capped at up to $10,000 per Shed for projects that support Sheds to purchase tools and equipment, enhance men’s health initiatives, improve Shed sustainability and benefit the broader community.
Some recipients of the grants include:
“As part of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future, our Government will also provide Sheds with $1 million in capital investment grants in 2024-25 and a further $175,000 through the TMSA Grants Program in 2025-26,” Minister Palmer said.
The 2024-25 Grants are part of the Tasmanian Government’s 2024 Supporting Stronger Communities Election Commitment.
A full list of recipients can be found here.