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Greenpeace Pictures Of Week 8 March

A selection of images from Greenpeace photographers around the world this week. Comment below and let us know which one is your favourite!

Germany – During the exploratory meetings between the CDU/CSU and SPD, Greenpeace activists draw attention to a gap in climate protection with a burning, two-metre-high ‘KL_MA’ sign in front of the Reichstag during the blue hour. The future task of climate protection has so far been left out. The missing ‘I’ in KLIMA (climate) stands for the lack of ideas and content from the negotiating partners on how the ecological modernisation of the country can be shaped in a socially just way

Bulgaria – An activist stand with a banner and a giant octopus at the doorstep of the Bulgarian Council of Ministers. Greenpeace Bulgaria calls the Bulgarian government to ratify the Ocean Treaty now.

Germany – Greenpeace staff meet the pianist Ludovico Einaudi to thank him for his support in their work to protect the oceans before his concert in Hamburg. The musician supports Greenpeace’s current campaign against deep sea mining.

Pictured with Einaudi: Franziska Saalmann, Greenpeace Oceans expert.

France – Festive evening and discussion around the anti-nuclear fight at the Point Éphémère venue in Paris for the launch of the song “au coeur du reactor” by the techno-activist group Planète Boum Boum. This evening was organized in support of 12 Greenpeace activists on trial for having denounced the dangers of the Gravelines nuclear power plant.

Italy – Greenpeace activists have placed a giant papier-mâché pig in Piazza Montecitorio in Rome, accompanied by the banner “Honorables, you can no longer ignore me!”: the message delivered by Greenpeace Italy wanted to draw the attention of Parliament to the need to discuss the bill “Beyond intensive farming” presented to the Chamber a year ago by the environmentalist organization, together with Lipu, ISDE-Medici per l’ambiente, Terra! and WWF Italy.

South Africa – Greenpeace Africa this week handed over of a global petition with over half a million signatures (pictured here) to Global Solidarity Levies Taskforce, a coalition of 17 countries and groups, co-led by Barbados, France, and Kenya, calling on the Taskforce to move forward with taxes on the fossil fuel industry to fund climate action and development goals.

Greenpeace has been a pioneer of photo activism for more than 50 years, and remains committed to bearing witness and exposing environmental injustice through the images we capture.

To see more Greenpeace Photo and Video, please visit our Media Library

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