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Hallidays Point Skate Park Step Closer

MidCoast Council

Hallidays Point Skate Park Step Closer

The Hallidays Point community will soon have its long-awaited skate park following MidCoast Council’s decision to award the tender for construction at last week’s meeting.

The skate park will be built Wylie Breckenridge Park, Black Head, has been a long-standing priority for the local community.

VFG Skate Parks Pty Ltd were awarded the contract at the latest Council meeting on Wednesday 26 February.

The company will begin work soon on the project which has been developed with significant community input and ongoing consultation with key stakeholders.

Council’s Director of Liveable Communities – Paul De Szell said that it was wonderful to see the project get to this point.

“We have been working with the Hallidays Point community for many years to confirm a location and get a design that will cater to the majority of users and skill levels,” he said.

“We wanted to make sure the community were involved from start to finish to make sure we got this right.”

Construction is expected to begin in the near future with a delivery date of around 30 June, weather permitting.

The $850,000 project is funded through a $435,000 grant from the NSW Government’s Stronger Country Communities Fund and s7.11 contribution funds, which are funds collected from developers by Council to deliver infrastructure to communities.

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