Eating disorders can be the most horrific journeys many families go on. Since the pandemic some hospitals have experienced a 80 to 104% increase in children with anorexia.
A recent worldwide study found around one in five boys and one in three girls are experiencing disordered eating.
These are daunting statistics but there is hope.
This morning we launched the Parliamentary Friends of Eating Disorder Awareness – a multipartisan group dedicated to campaigning for more government action on prevention and treatment of eating disorders.
I am continuing to push the government for eating disorder support on the border, because we need more access to care without the need to travel to Melbourne or Geelong.
Thank you Emily Unity for sharing your lived experience with us today. It is insight like yours that will help policy makers and health professionals as we improve the treatments available for people suffering from eating disorders.
Thank you also to the Butterfly Foundation and co-chairs Zoe Daniel, Andrew Wallace and Susan Templeman.