Today I successfully amended the Government’s housing laws to make sure:
⭐ The new National Housing Supply and Affordability Council must have at least one member with expertise in housing in regional, rural and remote Australia
⭐ The Council must consider geographical location (e.g. regional, rural and remote location) on housing supply, affordability and demand when making decisions
Housing is a huge issue everywhere in Indi – I hear you and I am working hard to address the issues we face in housing availability and affordability.
Governments have talked big on housing before, but too often regional Australia misses out. I want to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
I am disappointed National MPs and most Liberal MPs representing regional seats did not support my amendments.
Housing Minister Julie Collins has committed to working with me on my other amendments so this package serves regional, rural and remote Australia, including so that the Fund:
1. addresses housing needs specifically in regional, rural and remote Australia; and
2. addresses critical infrastructure for new social and affordable housing in regional, rural and remote Australia
I’m optimistic on these amendments and will work with Senators to keep up the fight for these changes.