This week I held a series of meetings focused on Albury Wodonga Health, and the work we must do to get all governments on board for a new world-class single site hospital on the border.
I met with new CEO of Albury Wodonga Health Bill Appleby and chair of the board Matt Burke, discussing the situation they currently face and how I can advocate for them with the federal government.
I also spoke to new Victorian Health Minister Mary Anne Thomas, and later in the day I met with Member for Benambra Bill Tilley.
All levels of government and all sides of politics must work together to make this hospital a reality. I will be opening doors, keeping lines of communication open and working constructively with everyone involved to get the community the hospital we need.
I have already written to the new Federal Health Minister Mark Butler and when I meet with him in Canberra I will invite him to visit us on the border and see what we are facing.
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