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Helping Victorian Families Slash Their Energy Bills

VIC Premier

Helping Victorian Families Slash Their Energy Bills

The Allan Labor Government is making it easier for more Victorian families to cut their energy bills by switching their home to modern, efficient, electric appliances like solar power and electric heat pumps.

Minister for Energy and Resources Lily D’Ambrosio today opened applications for the Community Electrification Engagement Program – which supports local community groups to help locals switch from gas to electric and save.

Organisations will be eligible for grants of up to $110,000 to help local families in their region save on their energy bills by understanding the process of switching their home to electric and helping them access government discounts and rebates they are eligible for.

The program will break down barriers to switching to electric in the community, by connecting locals with suppliers and businesses that can help, improve access to the Victorian Energy Upgrades Program and Solar Homes discounts, and help households use the SEC’s Electric Home Planner.

This could be through a dedicated staff member to help locals through the process of switching to electric, or through community events that provide advice and education on the benefits of going electric.

Converting an existing home with solar panels from gas to electricity can save around $2,000 a year on energy bills. This can rise to over $2,700 when paired with a typical rooftop solar system.

Through the Solar Homes program eligible households can access a $1,400 rebate to install solar panels, a further $1,400 interest free loan and a further rebate of up to $1,000 to replace their hot water system – cutting $3,800 from upfront installation costs.

The saving doesn’t stop with Solar Homes – the Victorian Energy Upgrades program also delivers discounts on appliances ranging from heat pumps to cooktops. The program has saved Victorians $440 million on energy efficient appliances.

This is part of the $3.73 million Community Power Hubs program, and the Community Climate Change and Energy Action Program which helped upgrade 169 community facilities to switch to cheaper, efficient, renewable energy.

Charities, not-for-profits and community groups are eligible to apply, applications are open until 14 April.

To apply visit

As stated by Minister for Energy and Resources Lily D’Ambrosio

“We’re making sure more Victorians can access rebates and discounts on efficient electric appliances and save on their energy bills.”

“Going electric can be a complicated process, so having a trusted local organization you can turn to for guidance or help with the process is critical to making sure Victorians get the energy bill savings they deserve.”

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