Investment Summit: Fast-Track Projects Kick Off
On the first day of the country’s first Infrastructure Investment Summit, Infrastructure Minister Chris Bishop and Regional Development Minister Shane Jones are pleased to welcome the first completed applications accepted by the EPA under the Fast-track Approvals Act to have projects considered by expert consenting panels.
“The Fast-track Approvals scheme opened for applications just over a month ago. Today, the EPA has announced that three major projects have been assessed as complete to go to expert panels,” Mr Bishop says.
These first three projects are:
“This is proof to those attending the NZ Investment Summit today that this Government is serious about removing our structural barriers to growth, and doing its part to make infrastructure quicker, easier, and cheaper to build in New Zealand,” Mr Bishop says.
“While this is only the first step in the process, it’s great to see such a wide range of projects in this first tranche – including housing, infrastructure, and involving Iwi/Māori.
“New Zealanders are sick of the red and green tape holding back development, and are excited to take advantage of our new scheme that cuts through this thicket of obstruction, so we can grow our economy and benefit the lives of all Kiwis.”
“Today’s news shows there is potential, and demand, for a streamlined approvals regime like this to get significant, economy-enhancing pieces of infrastructure built in New Zealand. Projects like this are critical to growing our country’s economy, meaning more jobs and higher wages – making all New Zealanders better off,” Mr Jones says.
“The three projects were included as listed projects in the Fast-track Approvals Act last year, and were able to apply for consideration by expert panels from 7 February when the Fast-track applications portal opened.
“Now that the projects are deemed complete by the Fast-track team, a competing applications test will be undertaken, and provided there are no competing applications identified, an expert consenting panel will be established to make decisions on the projects and impose any necessary environmental conditions.”
Editor’s note: