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So excited to have Bob Brown joining us for a doorknock with  Katie Mc...

Katie McCusker, Greens Candidate for Dunstan

So excited to have Bob Brown joining us for a doorknock with Katie McCusker, Greens Candidate for Dunstan this Saturday đź’š

Join me this weekend for a doorknock with Greens legend Bob Brown 🎉 News of our positive campaign must be spreading around the country, as Bob Brown is joining us all the way from Tasmania this Saturday!! I’m so excited to have his support in turning Dunstan Green 🥰💚 We’ve still got so many more doors to knock and so many more Dunstan locals to talk to, and with pre-poll opening next Tuesday – this long weekend could be our last chance to talk with voters before they hit the polls. Hit the link to register 👉🏼

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