King Scallop Fishery Temporarily Closed
Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has today announced its decision on a temporary closure to fishing with dredges for king scallops in ICES areas 7d and Lyme Bay (7e) in 2025.
The decision, designed to protect stocks during spawning, is based on extensive analysis of the latest scientific and economic evidence, responses to a consultation last year and wider engagement with stakeholders.
The decision is for a temporary closure in 2025 in:
ICES division 7d for UK and EU vessels over 10 m in length from 1 July to 30 September 2025.
Lyme Bay area of 7e (ICES rectangles 29E6, 29E7, 30E6 and 30E7) for UK and EU vessels over 12 m in length from 1 July to 30 September 2025.
The latest scientific analysis reveals that the population levels and health of king scallops in the closure area are in a improved state than in preceding years and could support a shorter closure period to support spawning.
The length of the closure this year has also been designed to reduce risks of king scallop fishers moving more of their fishing effort to other grounds which may not be able to support the increase in fishing without potentially harming sensitive species.
This closure length has sought to balance the environmental needs of the spawning stocks, with the socio-economic impacts expressed by stakeholders during the 2024 extended closure.
MMO has continued to permit under 10m vessels to fish in 7d and under 12m vessels to fish in the Lyme Bay area of 7e. This decision is based on levels of scallop landings observed from these vessels, which at existing levels do not introduce significant risk to the aim of protecting stocks, whilst considering the importance of the inshore fleet to the local communities.
The closure will be enacted through a licence variation. Further information on a summary of responses received and reasoning behind the decision