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Labor Plans To Slug Tasmanians With Higher Charges

Tasmanian Government

Labor Plans To Slug Tasmanians With Higher Charges

The Opposition Leader’s State of the State Reply has revealed his secret plan to hike up charges across the board.

Mr Winter says his plan to balance the budget is to make Government Businesses ‘more profitable’.

That’s code for higher power prices, higher car rego, higher bus fares and higher charges.

In a rant of relentless negativity, the Opposition Leader presented no alternative vision Tasmania, only offer a promise for higher charges across every part of life, by ‘making GBEs more profitable”.

Mr Winter has chosen a path of higher charges, rather than listen to the business community’s pleas to support our Government’s ambitious plan that invests in Tasmania’s future.

Only the Tasmanian Liberal Government has a sensible pathway to surplus, that will also grow our economy while backing business and jobs.

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