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Television Interview - Flashpoint WA

NT Government

Laws To Get Young People To School Pass Parliament

The Finocchiaro CLP Government has tonight passed laws to strengthen powers to get young people to school.

The overarching goal of these reforms is to increase school attendance rates, protect vulnerable children from falling through the cracks of our education system, and ensure that every child in the Territory has access to the education they deserve.

Territorians elected the CLP Government with a clear mandate to tackle youth crime head-on.

This means addressing the root causes, starting with getting kids back to school and onto a better path.

Minister for Education and Training Jo Hersey said the government sought to hold parents accountable, to remind them of their legal obligations to send their children to school, and to ensure there are real consequences when they fail to meet that responsibility.

“This is about holding parents accountable who consistently fail to send their children to school without a justifiable reason, depriving them of their right to an education and the chance for a better future,” she said.

“The Bill that passed sends a strong message: we are serious about improving school attendance.

“We are reinforcing existing attendance measures in the Education Act to bring clarity, accountability and tougher enforcement to the system.”

The passing of the Education Legislation Amendment Bill enshrines the role of the school attendance officer in legislation.

This ensures a dedicated focus on boosting attendance and engagement as part of the CLP Government’s wider strategy.

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