Giles lied or he’s just grossly incompetent
Immigration Minister Andrew Giles lied to the Australian people that the Labor Government was monitoring all the criminals it had released from immigration detention, including the one who went on to allegedly bash a cancer-surviving grandmother.
Gile went on ABC radio in March to defend the Albanese Government after it was revealed that detainees arrested for breaching their visa conditions would have their charges dropped because the Labor Government had issued them with invalid visas.
During the interview, Giles tried to reassure the Australian people that “there has been no change to the strict monitoring arrangements for every one of these people” released by Labor into the community, including seven murderers, 37 sex offenders, and 72 violent offenders.
“There has been no changes to the monitoring arrangements, as I’ve said consistently, and indeed, as senior officials of the federal police said in Senate estimates only weeks ago, these are people who are being constantly monitored. We know where they are. And all of these visas have been reissued.” — Andrew Giles, ABC AM interview with David Lipson, 13 March, 2024. https://minister.homeaffairs.g…
One of those detainees, Majid Jamshidi Doukoshkan, appeared in court this week charged with the brutal bashing and robbery of 73-year-old Ninette Simons.
It has now been revealed the government allowed Doukoshkan to remove his GPS tracker following a recommendation from the Commonwealth’s community protection board.
The Minister for Immigration either lied to the Australian people about the government’s monitoring regime or he didn’t know what was happening in his portfolio on an issue of critical importance to public safety.
Either way he has to go.
The Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is a close friend of Giles, but he needs to put that friendship aside and act in the best interests of all Australians, who deserve to be safe in their homes. He needs to sack the Immigration Minister.