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Inaction on budget will leave Australians paying more

Liberal Party of Australia

Inaction on budget will leave Australians paying more

Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has today raised interest rates for the fourth
consecutive month in a row.

with a $610,000 mortgage are now paying over $500 more per month on their
repayments since May.

Government still does not have a plan to deal with this.

outlined in the Treasurer’s economic statement last week will help Australians
with these rising cost of living pressures. The Treasurer continues to sound
more like a commentator than a Treasurer. Australians need a real plan, not
just hollow words.

the Government has done so far is walk away from promises abandoning its
commitment to cut power bills by $275 and real wage increases.

are already paying the price for Labor’s lack of a plan.

the Treasurer fails to act, it will mean more pressure on inflation, more
pressure on interest rates and higher cost of living for Australian families
and small businesses.

In the absence of a plan from the Albanese Government to
deal with rising inflation and interest rates, Australians will get a plan from
the Reserve Bank.

That plan will be to raise interest rates even further
and Australians with a mortgage will pay the price.

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