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Dr Brendon Radford

Modest Increase As Pensioners Scrimp To Survive

Be sure to check the facts

The increase to the pension has been misreported in some online articles. An MSN article which quickly emerged after the increase was announced incorrectly reported the annual increase as being $3,913 for singles and $5,902 for couples when this was the increase over the past three years (as reported in the government media release).

It shows that you can’t always trust what you read online, especially with the increasing use of AI generated articles that are not thoroughly fact-checked.

You can trust National Seniors Australia to provide you with the facts.

Indexation will see the Age Pension base rate increase for pensioners on 20 March 2025. The Age Pension rate increases twice a year, in March and September, to keep up with inflation using a formula set by legislation.

The pension will increase by $4.60 a fortnight for singles and $7 a fortnight for couples. While this increase is modest, it reflects the recent easing of inflation.

However, it’s not enough for some pensioners who face day-to-day poverty and continue to scrimp to survive.

National Seniors Australia (NSA) chief executive officer, Chris Grice, said while the new fortnightly rate, which takes the maximum Age Pension rate to $1,149 for singles and $1,732.20 for couples combined, reflects lower inflation of 2.5%, it simply isn’t enough for those living on the poverty line.

“Cost-of-living pressures continue to force lifestyle changes for disadvantaged pensioners. From buying powdered milk to living on credit cards and returning to work or working more,” Mr Grice said.

“Today’s news will be disappointing for pensioners choosing between putting petrol in the car or groceries in the trolley, or those delaying dental visits or visits to the doctor. These are the everyday experiences, decisions, and realities of pensioners with limited savings. The Age Pension is clearly not enough for them.

“Pensioners who rent struggle particularly hard. Research shows, after accounting for essentials such as food, health and transport, a single pensioner has less than $300 per week to spend on rent. NSA’s own research suggests even pensioners who own their home feel as though the Age Pension is inadequate.”

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