Net zero sector plans for industry, resources and the built environment
The Australian Government is developing a Net Zero Plan to articulate how Australia will transition to a net zero economy by 2050. It will set out government priorities, policies and measures to drive down emissions and support investment in low emissions and renewable activities.
The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) is leading this work in coordination with relevant departments. Six sectoral emissions reduction plans will support the Net Zero Plan to capture the full breadth of the economy. Our department is developing 3 of these plans.
The sector plans will consider any cross-cutting and sector-specific issues. These include:
- valuing emissions reduction
- removing blockers to action
- growing social equity through the transition
- working internationally.
The sectoral plans will also consider key enabling technologies to support emissions reductions or removals.
Industrial sector plan
The industrial sector plan is focused on subsectors that represent the greatest opportunity and need for decarbonisation, and that will be most impacted by the economy’s transition to net zero.
The plan will cover:
- alumina and aluminium
- waste and resource recovery
- chemicals and plastics
- iron and steel
- cement and concrete
- food and beverages
- manufacturing
- metals refining and smelting
- synthetic greenhouse gases.
The Minister for Industry and Science is responsible for developing the plan with the Minister for Climate Change and Energy in consultation with the Minister for Environment and Water.
We will be consulting throughout 2024 to support the plan’s development. Consultation on the green metals industry opened on 5 May 2024 and will help inform the Net Zero plan
Resources sector plan
The resources sector plan will identify opportunities to reduce emissions within the resources sector, support Australia’s economic growth and support our trading partners on their own path to net zero.
The plan will cover:
- oil and gas extraction and processing
- liquefied natural gas (LNG) liquefaction
- coal mining
- mining of metals and non-metal minerals
- on-site processing of ores
- resource exploration and support services.
The Minister for Resources and Northern Australia is responsible for developing the plan with the Minister for Climate Change and Energy.
We will be consulting throughout 2024 to support the plan’s development.
Built environment sector plan
The built environment sector plan will provide a pathway for the built environment sector to transition to net zero.
The built environment encompasses buildings, structures, parks and water infrastructure. This includes around 11 million private dwellings and 1 million commercial buildings across Australia.
The plan will take a holistic approach to emissions reduction in the built environment. This includes reducing:
- emissions associated with operating buildings (for example, heating, cooling and lighting)
- embodied emissions in the construction material used in buildings.
The plan will focus on ensuring Australia has a liveable and resilient built environment and an equitable transition to net zero.
The Minister for Industry and Science is responsible for developing the plan with the Minister for Climate Change and Energy.
We will be consulting throughout 2024 to support the plan’s development.