New CEO Appointed To Lead EPA
The Tasmanian Government has announced Ms Catherine Murdoch as the new Chief Executive Officer of the Environment Protection Authority (EPA).
Minister for the Environment, Madeleine Ogilvie, congratulated Ms Murdoch on her appointment to the role.
“We congratulate Ms Murdoch and warmly welcome her to the role, and look forward to working with the EPA under her leadership to protect and enhance our unique environment,” Minister Ogilvie said.
Catherine Murdoch currently serves as General Manager Agriculture and Water at the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania.
Ms Murdoch holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Coastal Management from Southern Cross University; has extensive experience as a certified Lead Environmental Auditor and Environmental Practitioner; and, is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
A recipient of 2020 Telstra Tasmanian Business Women’s Award, Ms Murdoch is known for her strong communication skills, and ability to build positive workplace cultures and provide leadership and strategic direction to large and complex organisations.
Ms Murdoch will commence her 5-year term as EPA CEO on 7 April 2025. Until that time, Cindy Ong will carry out those functions as Acting CEO and Director.