Premier Dominic Perrottet said the Liberal Government was unlocking yet another section of underutilised harbor foreshore.
“Sydney is home to one of the most spectacular harbours in the world but for so long, much of the foreshore, such as Blackwattle Bay, has been neglected and left underutilised,” Mr Perrottet said.
“This is all set to change with Blackwattle Bay to be transformed into an exciting new foreshore precinct and tourism drawcard.
Once complete, the 10-hectare Blackwattle Bay will be a vibrant mixed-use precinct anchored by the new Sydney Fish Market, with 1,200 new homes, more than 5,600 new jobs, more than three hectares of public open space including a new waterside park, ferry wharf, cafés, restaurants and retail, all within walking distance to the CBD.
It will also be supported by the new Sydney Metro station at Pyrmont, light rail and new active transport infrastructure.
Learn more here: https://nswliberal.org.au/Shared-Content/News/2022/New-harbourside-precinct-gets-the-green-light