✅ NT’s most disadvantaged public schools will be fully funded first.
✅ Every child in the NT will attend a fully funded school in 2029.
✅ NT public schools will now be fully funded two decades earlier than expected.
✅ This means the Commonwealth Government will double its investment in NT public schools.
We’re partnering with the Federal Government to fully fund Territory schools. This means an extra $1.1 Billion will be invested into NT schools. We know how critical education is to changing lives and getting the next generation of Territorians working. This extra funding will provide more resources to schools to provide extra support to Territory students who need it most – helping to improve education outcomes. Education has the power to change lives and we’re investing in young Territorians to get the skills and knowledge they need to start their careers. Anthony Albanese
Mark Monaghan MLA: Member for Fong Lim
Jason Clare
Australian Education Union NT – AEU NT