Plans Revealed For Australia’s Largest Housing Project
More homes mean more opportunity – that’s why the Allan Labor Government is delivering the Suburban Rail Loop (SRL) to build more than 70,000 homes where they’re needed, next to train stations, services and jobs.
Premier Jacinta Allan and Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop Harriet Shing today visited the site of the future Box Hill SRL station to announce the project has entered its next phase, with draft structure plans giving the clearest picture yet for what suburbs in the transport corridor will look like.
The plans show how neighbourhoods around the six SRL stations can grow – offering more homes for the next generation while taking growth pressure off the outer suburbs. The plans also propose new open spaces, walking and cycling paths, greener streets, along with plans for schools, hospitals and more jobs.
Community consultation will kick off soon. From Monday, 17 March, locals will be able to provide feedback on the draft structure plans and implementation plans for each SRL station site.
The Suburban Rail Loop Authority has been engaging with communities and stakeholders for several years to clearly understand people’s priorities and visions for their neighbourhoods, with nearly 10,000 online submissions made.
Since the proposed Key Directions for the six SRL East neighbourhoods were released last year, community consultation has continued to shape the draft structure plans.
This feedback has helped refine proposed building height limits. In some of the more commercial areas where people told us they’d like to see more concentrated development, these limits have increased – while in some of the more residential areas, they have been reduced. It’s about striking the right balance.
In Box Hill, locals have called for better walking and cycling paths, with the plans now including a Nelson-Thurston walking and cycling bridge and a path between Union and Laburnum stations.
In Burwood, locals have considered the increased number of students and young people that will visit the area – with the structure plans detailing more connected and pedestrian friendly corridors that encourage active travel.
In Glen Waverley, locals have looked to make Kingsway an even better shopping and dining precinct – extending better public space that links the Civic Precinct and The Glen Shopping Centre.
In Monash, locals have emphasised the need for new open spaces around the SRL Station and along Mile Creek Drainage Reserve.
In Clayton, locals have guided the development of a new connection from Clayton Road through the shops to the community centre, while also widening the footpath on parts of Clayton Road – improving safety and unlocking opportunities for on-street dining.
In Cheltenham, locals have raised the importance of improved pedestrian crossings, with the plans adding more crossings over the Frankston Line, Nepean Highway and Bay Road.
Draft structure plans are now available to view. Once submissions have closed, an advisory committee will be established, with public hearings expected later this year. Planning scheme amendments will be finalised in 2026.
SRL is Australia’s largest housing project – it will help deliver 70,000 more homes exactly where they’re needed, right next door to jobs, services and public transport. SRL will also give more than 70,000 passengers time back in their day – getting thousands of cars off the road and getting people to work, school or home faster.
Construction of SRL East is powering ahead at all station sites, with tunnel boring machines arriving this year and tunnelling to start in 2026.
To view the draft structure plans and supporting documents, visit
As stated by Premier Jacinta Allan
“Building world-class public transport and building affordable homes around it – it just makes sense. This is the vision that the Suburban Rail Loop delivers.”
“This benefits our whole city, because building enough homes for young people near transport and jobs in established suburbs will take pressure off the outer suburbs.”
As stated by Minister for Suburban Rail Loop Harriet Shing
“As construction at six brand new Suburban Rail Loop station sites continues, we are planning for the services, open spaces and connections that locals have told us are important to them, closer to home.”
“We will continue to work with communities every step of the way, and local feedback will be really important in building and shaping these growing neighbourhoods.”
As stated by Member for Box Hill Paul Hamer
“We have listened to the local community and you can see the result in the new draft plans. Box Hill is a great place for families, and we will make it even better, while giving our kids a fairer shot at living here.”
As stated by Member for Glen Waverley John Mullahy
“Suburban Rail Loop will deliver 70,000 homes across Melbourne’s east – closer to public transport, health services and Australia’s largest universities.”